viernes, 5 de diciembre de 2008

Duelist Pack - Yusei Confirmado

Hola a todos mis lectores, hoy os traigo la confirmacion de una noticia que publique el mes pasado y que ya lo asegurar. El 27 de Enero del 2009 saldra en Europa el articulo llamado "Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's Duelist Pack - Yusei".

En este pack nos trae 15 sobres y en cada sobre viene en su interior 5 cartas mas 1 guia de estrategia. Las rarezas que vienen en estos sobres son: 2 Ultra raras, 4 Super raras, 7 Raras y 17 comunes y lo exclusivo que trae estos sobres son 5 cartas que son: Massive Warrior, Tuning Supporter, Arms Aid, Give & Take y Limiter Break.
La lista de las cartas que traera los sobres es la siguiente junto con el video comercial:
DP08-JP001 Junk Synchron
DP08-JP002 Speed Warrior
DP08-JP003 One-Shot Booster
DP08-JP004 Nitro Synchron (Raro)
DP08-JP005 Bolt Hedgehog (Raro)
DP08-JP006 Dead Gardna
DP08-JP007 Shield Warrior
DP08-JP008 Heal Waver
DP08-JP009 Turbo Synchron

DP08-JP010 Massive Warrior (Raro)

Any Battle Damage to you as a result of this card battling becomes 0. Once per turn, this card cannot be destroyed by battle.

DP08-JP011 Tuning Supporter (Ultra Raro)
LIGHT/Machine - Effect/1/100/300

If this card is used for a Synchro Summon, you can treat this card as a Level 2 monster. If this card is used for the Synchro Summon of a Synchro Monster and sent to the Graveyard, draw 1 card.

DP08-JP012 Junk Warrior
DP08-JP013 Nitro Warrior (Raro)
DP08-JP014 Stardust Dragon (Super Raro)
DP08-JP015 Turbo Warrior (Raro)

DP08-JP016 Arms Aid (Ultra Raro)
LIGHT/Machine - Synchro/4/1800/1200 - 1 Tuner + 1 or more Non-Tuner monster
Once per turn, during your Main Phase, you can treat this card as an Equip Card and equip it to a monster OR unequip this card and Special Summon it in face-up Attack Position. Only if this card is treated as Equip Card by this effect, the ATK of the equipped monster is increased by 1000 Points. When the equipped monster destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard, deal damage to your opponent's Life Points equal to the ATK of the destroyed monster.

DP08-JP017 Fighting Spirits
DP08-JP018 Domino
DP08-JP019 Junk Attack
DP08-JP020 Card Flipper
DP08-JP021 Equip Shoot
DP08-JP022 Angel Lift (Raro)
DP08-JP023 Guard Block (Raro)
DP08-JP024 Trigger of Tragedy
DP08-JP025 Battlemania
DP08-JP026 Confusion Chaff
DP08-JP027 Urgent Tuning (Raro)
DP08-JP028 Synchro Strike

DP08-JP029 Give & Take (Super Raro)
Normal Trap
Special Summon 1 monster from your Graveyard to your opponent's field in Defense Position, and increase the level of 1 face-up monster you control by that monster's level until the End-Phase.

DP08-JP030 Limiter Break (Super Raro)
Normal Trap
When this card is sent to the Graveyard, Special Summon 1 "Speed Warrior" from your hand, deck or Graveyard.

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