miércoles, 24 de diciembre de 2008

Varias Dudas

Hola a todos mis lectores, hoy os traigo algunas dudas sobre algunas cartas algunas cartas que han pasado sobre en algunos torneos o me han consultado.

- La primera de ellas es sobre el “Spirit Reaper” que es la que a salido mas recientemente en duda.
El monstruo no moriria si se le hace como por ejemplo “Compulsory Evacuation Device”, “Book of Moon”, “Phoenix Wing Wind Blast” ya que primero se resuelve y luego se hace el efecto y al estar el zombie en la mano o boca abajo se salvaria; sin embargo si moriria con “Shrink” o “Enemy Controller”.
Aquí os dejo las reglas del monstruo sobre este tema:
"Spirit Reaper" is only destroyed by its own effect if it is face-up on the field when the effect designating it as a target activates, AND after the effect designating it as a target resolves. If you Special Summon "Spirit Reaper" with Monster Reborn, or flip it face-down with "Book of Moon", or flip it face-up with "Book of Taiyou", it is not destroyed. If a face-down "Spirit Reaper" is targeted with "Change of Heart", then Flip Summoned, it is not destroyed because it was face-down when "Change of Heart" was activated. If "Spirit Reaper" is targeted by the effect of "Relinquished", "Spirit Reaper" is an Equip Spell Card after the effect of "Relinquished" resolves, so it is not destroyed. If "Spirit Reaper" is removed from play with "Dimensionhole" or "Interdimensional Matter Transporter" or "Different Dimension Gate", then it is removed from play so it is not destroyed. If "Spirit Reaper" is shuffled into the Deck with "Monster Recovery", it's not destroyed. If "Spirit Reaper" is returned to the hand with "Penguin Soldier", it's not destroyed.
- La segunda carta es sobre “Beckoning Light”.
Si se activa la trampa tu puedes tirar en repsuesta al “D. D. Cuervo” pero no lo negaria y cogeria otro monstruo para tener el mismo numero de cartas.
- La tercera y ultima regla es sobre “Zombie Master” y “Lumina, Invocadora Luminosa” que a salido hoy el tema (y mira que yo no juego light ¬¬).
Al contrario del zombie, la luminosa si se va del campo sigue haciendo el efecto ademas que esta puesto en la faq y todo XDXDXD.

· Regla del Zombie Master: If you activate "Zombie Master's" effect, and an effect is chained that removes "Zombie Master" from the field or flips it face-down, the effect disappears and you cannot Special Summon the targeted monster.
· Regla de Lumina, Invocadora Luminosa: If an effect is chained that removes "Lumina, Lightsworn Summoner" from the field, the targeted "Lightsworn" monster is still Special Summoned.

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